An integrated infrastructure prioritization model: Case study of tripoli, lebanon


  • Nadia Baroudi University of Balamand
  • Samer El-Zahab University of Balamand
  • Nabil Semaan University of Balamand
  • Abobakr Al-Sakkaf Concordia University
  • Eslam Mohammed Abdelkader Cairo University



Condition, infrastructure, indicators, analytical hierarchy process, Shannon entropy, fuzzy set theory


This paper introduces a novel non-linear weighting model to evaluate the different aspects of infrastructure. In this regard, three approaches are presented to compute the percents of infrastructure indicators, namely analytical hierarchy process, Shannon entropy and fuzzy set theory. A unified weighting model is then proposed to aggregate the weighting vectors obtained from the three approaches. The developed model is designed to model the feedback of the experts, actual condition of the infrastructure and encountered uncertainties. Results highlighted that water has the highest relative importance with 52.65% followed by electricity with 34.12% while telecommunication has the least relative importance with 2.69%. To apply a more practical sense to the proposed framework, a sample assessment of the Lebanese city of Tripoli’s civil infrastructure was carried out in this paper. The developed model is expected to support planners and policymakers with a platform that enables them to efficiently evaluate the infrastructure’s condition


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Author Biographies

Samer El-Zahab, University of Balamand

PhD in Building Engineering

Nabil Semaan, University of Balamand

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Engineering Management Graduate Program Lead

Abobakr Al-Sakkaf, Concordia University

Architect and urban planner who has worked as a lecturer at Hadhramout University, Mukalla, Yemen, where he attained his B.Sc. degree in Architectural Engineering. He attained his M.Sc. in Architecture from King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in the sustainability assessment of Heritage Building at Concordia University, in Montreal, Canada.

Eslam Mohammed Abdelkader, Cairo University

Postdoctoral Researcher, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Assistant Professor




How to Cite

Baroudi, N. ., El-Zahab, S. ., Semaan, N. ., Al-Sakkaf, A. ., & Abdelkader, E. M. . (2024). An integrated infrastructure prioritization model: Case study of tripoli, lebanon. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 37(2), 147–163.


