Sistemas de información geográfica: Algunas aplicaciones en planificación y gestión urbana


  • Roberto Figueroa Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Planificación, Gestión Urbana, Estudios Urbanos


In the context of continuous urban growth through out the world,this paper exam in essome Geographical lnjormationSystem (GIS) applications in urban planning and management. Operational benefits are described (e.g., site and maps searches). GIS in site analyses [i.e., control proc esses) and site evaluation and selection are discussed. GIS in urban planning strategies is considered as well, regarding overla y and socio-economic analysis advantages, At the same lime GIS restrictions in terms of [inancialconstraintsarementioned.Thedevelopment ofMultipurposeGeographicallnformationSystems(MPGIS) isproposed a way to save costs. A second restriction regards to the weak capabillty of current commercial GIS /0 simula/e different urban scenarios, Two GIS models of urban growth are descr ibed (Waterloo Generic Urban Model and Regional Growth Forecast} .


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How to Cite

Figueroa, R. . (2021). Sistemas de información geográfica: Algunas aplicaciones en planificación y gestión urbana. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (20), 25–32. Retrieved from




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