Revisión del laudo arbitral "Laguna del Desierto"


  • HERNAN SANTIS ARENAS Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Tribunal arbitral, Laguna del desierto, Derecho internacional, Límites


The subject niauer presented intltispaperlOsearchthejudgement byarbitration betwcen ChileandArg entinaabout Lagunadel Desierto dispute. The (JI vard. as conclusion given the local watershed as bordering course or line between boundary stone 62 andMountFitzRoy.Author ofthispaperlocompare King'sAward from 1902, included rep orts and curtography from the peoples employed by H.M., with the new award. Rationally this new bordering fine it is differen tfrom bordering line given in 1902 award, and not regard lile line of demarcation on 1903. This aspect to begin la have doubt on respect various dimentions about this negotiation and thejudgment.



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How to Cite

SANTIS ARENAS, H. . (2021). Revisión del laudo arbitral "Laguna del Desierto". Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (22), 3–7. Retrieved from




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