Impact of computer advanced visualization tools in AEC industry


  • Leonardo Rischmoller Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Luis F. Alarcón Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Martin Fischer Stanford University (Estados Unidos)
  • Robert Fox Proyecto de Expansión (Chile)


CAD, 3D, 4D, construction, planning and programming of projects


This paper presents part of the research about the impact of Computer Advanced Visualization Tools (CAVT) in the AEC design and construction planning processes, being carried out at the Catholic University of Chile. CAVT are identified as core IT tools and defined in a broad sense, their main feature being to provide the ability to visualize the ends (Product models) and means (Process models) for AEC design and construction planning processes. The research is based on the study of CAVT applied by an Engineering and Construction Company on a real life (case) project, supported by theoretical background and contact with experts in IT in Construction (ITC). The case project is being designed completely in 3D (First 3D project in Latin America) using PDS software, a powerful Plant Design System provided by Intergraph, Inc. DesignReview software (also from Intergraph) provides advanced visualization capabilities for visualization of the PDS 3D model, and 4D modeling technology and simulations are applied to the planning and scheduling tasks of the case project. Computer graphics topic is overviewed and briefly discussed as a technology central to CAVT in AEC industry. The paper states that knowledge about Product and Process modeling coming from the academic community, is usually overlooked or developed in a tacit fashion, more guided by the common sense, than by an orderly approach based on techniques, methodologies or prototypes coming from the academic community. Digital Reality is presented and discussed as the next step following 3D product models and 4D modeling is identified as the technology that will trigger the major changes expected from CAVT impact described in this paper. The extent to which CAVT are being used in the case project is providing huge benefits to he company applying them. However, the research results lead us to conclude that even CAVT are a reality now, AEC industry is not taking full advantage of them. A closer approach of academic community and AEC practice is needed that could revert this situation, benefiting both industry and research. The main insights of this research coming from the study of the practical application of CAVT prove the former approach, which should lead the main impact of CAVT to go beyond current well known improvements, to a new unsuspected pace for improvements in the AEC industry.


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Author Biographies

Leonardo Rischmoller, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Candidato a Doctor, Departamento de Ingeniería y Gestión de la Construcción, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Ingeniero de Construcción, Bechtel Group, Inc. Santago, Chile
Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Construction Engineering and Management Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Construction Engineer, Construction Engineer, Bechtel Group, Inc. Santiago, Chile

Luis F. Alarcón, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Profesor Titular, Departamento de Ingeniería y Gestión de la Construcción, Director, Programa de Excelencia en Gestión de Producción Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Santiago, Chile
Professor, Department of Construction Engineering and Management Director, Production Management Program Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Martin Fischer, Stanford University (Estados Unidos)

Profesor Adjunto, Ingeniería Civil y Medioambiental David Filo and Jerry Yang Faculty Scholar Director, Centro de Ingeniería Integrada Stanford University Estados Unidos 

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering David Filo and Jerry Yang Faculty Scholar, Director, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering Stanford University USA

Robert Fox, Proyecto de Expansión (Chile)

Ingeniero de Proyecto Escondida, Fase IV, Proyecto de Expansión Santiago, Chile

Project Engineer Escondida Phase IV Expansion Project Bechtel Group, Inc. Santiago, Chile



How to Cite

Rischmoller, L., Alarcón, L. F., Fischer, M., & Fox, R. (2002). Impact of computer advanced visualization tools in AEC industry. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 17(2), 64–73. Retrieved from



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